Peanut “Noodles”

I gave the no-carb diet craze a try last year. My wife was getting ready to fit into her grandmother’s wedding dress for our big day and it seemed like an experimental way to shed a few pounds before walking down the aisle. Different bodies, hormones, and gut bacteria react to special diets in different ways, and I ended up losing much more weight than Rebecca.

Which was frustrating, to say the least.

What did happen to both of us, though, is that we were both noticeably crankier. I longed for the simplicity of eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast, or a slice of toast with jam. More than longing, we were just unsatisfied and grumpy. Making food, something that once brought us joy, was now more drudgery than fun.

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It was an interesting experiment, one that we entered into with an appropriate amount of levity. So it was with a small chuckle that I found this recipe for Cucumber Noodles with Peanut Sauce. It brought me right back to my brief, no-pasta-allowed diet. Remembering how unsatisfied I felt after eating a heap of cucumbers in the past, I had no intention of making this recipe with cucumber “noodles” alone. Thus, I decided to augment it with a half a box of spaghetti (gluten alert).

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Making cucumber noodles without a mandoline takes some patience, I will say, but I liked the way the cucumbers added a different texture element to the dish. If you are able to eat gluten, and decide to do it my way (with traditional and vegetable-noodles), use two large cucumbers and 8oz of pasta for an appropriate balance of texture and taste.

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